
Kitchen confessions: One in ten booze while cooking breakfast

7th August 2020
Open-plan dark kitchen

· More than one in three Brits (38%) drink alcohol while cooking

· Too many cooks: 44% of Brits admit to arguing in the kitchen

· More than one in three (35%) go a year or longer without cleaning their oven

· 16% of UK adults are ashamed of their kitchen

There’s a reason why the kitchen is the most important room in the house. It is where many spend the majority of their home life, whether it be cooking, socialising or, more recently, working. During lockdown, the kitchen has become a symbolic backdrop, with a substantial rise in baking and cooking over the past three months. That’s why Harvey Jones has been talking to families across the country about how and why their habits in the kitchen have changed. New research* offers a glimpse into the surprising confessions that take place in the heart of the home.

The survey, conducted by Harvey Jones kitchens, reveals 38% of Brits enjoy drinking alcohol while they cook. Wine is the favoured tipple, with 39% of respondents enjoying a glass of white and 38% preferring red while presiding over a recipe. Beer follows closely, with 36% of participants admitting they occasionally cook with a pint in hand. Perhaps more of a revelation, one in ten Brits have consumed alcohol while preparing breakfast.

As one of the busiest rooms in the house, the kitchen is also the space in which tempers have a tendency to flare. The study highlights 44% of respondents have had an argument in the kitchen, with dirty dishes being quoted as the most common reason for disputes (44%). The old saying ‘too many cooks’ comes to mind as 43% admitted to arguing about leaving the kitchen so the cook can focus, while overall cleanliness of the space sparks 36% of rows.

Heightened hygiene routines will undoubtedly be more of a focus in this new world we find ourselves in; however, the study shows 35% of Brits wait a year or longer before cleaning their oven. The most common reasons for putting off the chore include believing it is too much of a hassle (42%), thinking the oven doesn’t need to be cleaned as often (28%) or simply not knowing how it should be done (29%).

Surprisingly, 16% of Brits are ashamed of their kitchen, with most claiming it is because it looks dated (53%). Other reasons included cleanliness (45%) and old appliances (36%). Of those who are dissatisfied with their current kitchen, 70% are planning to update it.

Harvey Jones has been designing and manufacturing handmade painted kitchens in its Cambridgeshire workshop for more than 40 years and has since established itself as a leading name in British craftsmanship. With 32 showrooms nationwide and five ranges available, ranging from classic Original to modern Linear Edge, Harvey Jones understands that a well-designed kitchen should make life easier – and more enjoyable.
