Set in a three-storey Victorian terraced house, this light-filled Original kitchen was recycled and transformed by the new homeowners. Created by Harvey Jones ten years previously, the traditional kitchen was still in excellent condition, testament to the quality and craftmanship that goes into their handmade cabinetry.
To create a family-size dining area adjacent to the kitchen, an orangery-style extension with roof lantern replaced a lean-to conservatory, ensuring a more in-keeping look with the style and age of the property, whilst allowing natural light to flow through the space. The newly-designed dining area features charming banquette seating that complements the style of the kitchen and connects to it through handy open shelving on the back.
Out of the way of the main cooking area, a neat desk in a matching design as the rest of the kitchen is used for home admin and remote working. Blending effortlessly with the rest of the space, the desk features the same quartz countertop chosen for the kitchen work surface, and a top drawer containing built-in power sockets for charging phones and tablets.
To complete the new look, the previously cream cabinets were repainted in an off white shade to provide a fresh contrast against the pale blue walls and warm oak floor and stools. Chrome door knobs and grey quartz worktops replacing the old wooden surfaces give the space depth and definition.
“Choosing a painted kitchen allows you complete freedom to control the exact look of your space. Whether you choose a calming, neutral tone or something brighter and more energetic, the cabinetry is a blank canvas for you to customise however you wish. Not only will you find a tone to complement the lighting levels and natural warmth of your space, but you can also rest assured knowing your kitchen can be repainted once an update is needed. Hand-painted kitchens are futureproof and equipped to grow with you and the ever-changing colour trends that you are yet to discover.”
Rhian Williams, Harvey Jones Senior Kitchen Designer